to a reception being held as part of the Fraternity’s renewed focus on alumni engagement and to enjoy the lifelong bond of Delta Chi. Join “AA” Patrick Alderice, CEO and Executive Director Jerod Breit, and other Delta Chi brothers from the area for an evening of brotherhood as we bring Delta Chi to you! We are expecting a great turnout so don’t wait to RSVP – we want to see as many Delta Chi brothers in attendance as possible.
THURSDAY, December 8, 2022
6:00-9:00pm CT
Celestial Beerworks
2530 Butler St.
Dallas, TX 75235

Would you like to attend? Please RSVP below. Guests are welcome and food trucks will be available.
Questions? Please contact Ross Dickneite, Assistant Director of Alumni Engagement and Relations, at rdickneite@deltachi.org.