2024 Delta Chi Bracket Challenge Update! Congratulations, brothers on raising $58,696 for the V Foundation for Cancer Research!

I Am A:

Delta Chi Adopts Resolution on Gender Equity

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Iowa City September 22, 2016 – During its 60th International Convention in Louisville, Kentucky in July, the Convention, as Delta Chi’s ultimate governing body, moved to adopt a policy rooted in equality to help shape and improve the overall caliber of the Fraternity. This Gender Equity Resolution better defines Delta Chi’s association criteria, stating that any individual who identifies as a man is welcome to seek membership in Delta Chi.

The Fraternity’s constitution states that an individual must be “male” to be eligible for membership, and the term “male” is not defined. Delta Chi has received numerous inquiries from chapters and educational institutions regarding its definition of male and the application of membership criteria to transgender men and all who identify as men.

Delta Chi is an international fraternity built upon the belief that the close association of a brotherhood of college and university men will promote friendship, develop character, advance justice, and assist in the acquisition of a sound education. Any individual who identifies as a man is welcome to seek membership in the Fraternity. This policy is intended to uphold the mission of Delta Chi as a brotherhood of men and should not be interpreted as changing the all-male character of the Fraternity or as a waiver of the Fraternity’s exempt status under Title IX.

“Similar to when we were the first fraternity to ban hell week or guarantee associate members have the right to attend and talk at chapter meetings, Delta Chi is on the right side of history on this issue,” said Aaron Otto, “AA” (International President). “I am proud that Delta Chi has taken a leadership position within the fraternal movement to recognize gender equality and to be accepting of all who believe in our ideals.”


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Christian A. Wargo
Director of Media & Events
cwargo@deltachi.org[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ width=”1/2″ tablet_text_alignment=”default” phone_text_alignment=”default”][fancy-ul icon_type=”font_icon” icon=”icon-file-alt” color=”Accent-Color”]



I Am A: